22 October 2014



Dysfunction is the inaugural exhibition by the pioneer International Baccalaureate Careers Certificate (IBCC) Programme Visual Arts students.  

The title of the exhibition recalls notions of something flawed, broken and vulnerable, and that vein of imperfection runs through and connects each of the artworks on display. The road to self-discovery is a daunting one, one that requires our fledgling artists to accept and embrace their fears and insecurities even as they attempt to transcend them. 

These artworks are products of their first steps on that long journey, and a statement of intent by each and every one of them-- they are fierce and destructive, they are pipe dreams and pies in the sky. They are also, in the same breath, fiercely ambitious, funny, hopeful and full of the insight of youth. 

You are invited to touch the works (gently, for they are easily broken), to interact with them and play with them, and in so doing, to share in our artists' hopes and dreams, their thoughts, their failures and their successes, and accept that in our imperfect world, they are often one and the same thing.

The artists are

Grace Ling Hui

Aqilah Hassan

Iris Juan Alejandro

Ryan Benjamin Lee Meng Kiat


Yap Soke Kee

The artists would like to express their heartfelt thanks to the staff and students of SOTA without whose support this exhibition would not have been possible. 

The dates for Dysfunction are as follow: 

Opening Reception: 28 August 2014, 6:30 pm 
Open to Public: 29 August - 16 September, 2014
Location: 1 Zubir Said Drive (SOTA Art Gallery)

So this was a group exhibition with 5 of my other friends, the above picture is the poster for my artworks which I used for distribution to viewers after visiting the exhibition. You can see it's relation to one of my artworks titled "L.M.A.O". I have two artworks exhibited for this exhibition.

1. "L.M.A.O"

2. "Fabergé"

Click (HERE) to view the artworks.